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Student Registration


Student Registration

Weston Public Schools provide education to pre-school students and kindergarten through twelfth grade students in two elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school.

Non-Resident Students (click on link for form)

  • All non-resident students interested in attending Weston Public Schools must complete the Non-Resident Tuition Student Application
  • If your application is approved, you may then begin the process of registering your child.
  • Arrangements for foreign students must be made through the Office of the Superintendent of Schools prior to registration.


Permanent residency (physical presence with an intention to remain) in the Town of Weston is the primary requirement for enrollment in the Weston Public Schools. Living with a Weston resident for the purpose of attending Weston schools is forbidden under Connecticut law and Weston Board of Education policy. Also in accordance with Connecticut school law, being a land owner, tax payer, or business owner in the Town of Weston does not confer residency privileges for school purposes.

When registering a child in Weston Public Schools, families must be prepared to provide residency documentation based on their applicable situation. 

See below for the required supporting docuentation, which should be sent to the school where you are registering your student. If you will have students in multiple schools, each school needs a set of documents for their records.

  • Home Ownership in Weston
  1. deed, mortgage statement, current property tax bill,
  2. photo ID (CT driver's license or State ID card) showing current Weston address.
  3. secondary proofs in the form of: two current utility bills (land line telephone, water, electric, gas, oil, or cable/internet - not cellphone).
  • Renting in Weston (click on link for form)

  1. copy of a current fully executed lease agreement for a residence in Weston, Connecticut,
  2. photo ID (CT driver's license or State ID card) showing current Weston address,
  3. secondary proofs in the form of: two current utility bills (land line telephone, water, electric, gas, oil, or cable/internet - not cellphone).
  4. Affidavit of Residency - Renting in Weston, and
  5. Affidavit - Landlord/Property Owner/Property Manager.
  • Other Living Arrangements in Weston (click on link for form)

  1. Affidavit of Residency - Living with Family,
  2. photo ID (CT driver's license or State ID card) showing current Weston address,
  3. secondary proofs in the form of: two current utility bills (land line telephone, water, electric, gas, oil, or cable/internet - not cellphone), and
  4. Affidavit - Landlord/Property Owner/Property Manager.
  • Future Residents (click on link for form)

Many times families would like their children to attend school in Weston prior to the closing on their new Weston property.  This is allowed under certain circumstances, and with certain stipulations.

Future residents must provide a contract of purchase with closing date.  This contract or agreement must be signed and dated by both parties. In addition, an Affidavit - Moving to Weston within Sixty Days must also be submitted. Once you close on your home in Weston you are required to provide the documentation referenced in Residency Verification - Home Ownership.

  • Unusual Circumstances

Occasionally circumstances arise which require a living arrangement different from those outlined above. Connecticut students are entitled to attend public school in the district in which they reside (CGS § 10-220). Children living with people other than their parents may attend school in the district where they currently live, so long as (1) it is the intention of the caregivers, whether relatives or nonrelatives, and of the child or his parents or guardian that the residence will be permanent; (2) such residence is provided without pay; and (3) such residence is not for the sole purpose of giving the child free school privileges in the district.

When a change in residence occurs, your child's school office must be notified immediately. Residency documentation must be updated in order for the student to remain in school.

REGISTRATION PROCESS  (click on link for form)

Registration for residents new to Weston is conducted throughout the year.

Before you begins this process, please make sure you have all the necessary documentation needed; residency verification documents listed above, as well as the documentation required by each school.

Your child is not registered until all forms are complete and submitted.  This includes residency verification documentation.

  1. Birth Certificate,
  2. For children ages birth to 5, complete Early Childhood Health Assessment Record.  For all other children, complete Health Assessment Record.  The Immunization Record is part of either form and must be included**,
  3. If the student previously attended other schools, compete Authorization for Exchange of Educational Information to Weston Public Schools,
  4. Residency specific documentation (see above).

** Connecticut State Law forbids any child from beginning school without updated health records and immunizations

Click here to begin the online registration process for the current year 2024-25 (PEnrollment):

Click here to begin the online registration process for the school year 2025-26 (PEnrollment):

  • You will need to create a PEnrollment account. 
  • You will be able to upload the required documentation during this process.
  • You will be able to print a copy of your submission when you finish.


If you have questions throughout the registration process below are the phone numbers for each school:

Hurlbutt Elementary School (Grades PreK-2)

(203) 221-6300


Nicole DiPierro


Elaina Braddick



Weston Middle School (Grades 6-8)

(203) 221-6360


Michelle Sotire


Mary Jane (MJ) LeBlanc



Weston Intermediate School (Grades 3-5)

203) 221-6330


Tina Hefferan


Kerri Ready

Weston High School (Grades 9-12)

(203) 221-6500


Alana Cross


Jennifer Herford