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Emergency Operation Plan Update

Posted Date: 12/01/2022

October 25, 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The purpose of this letter is to reassure you that should an emergency or disaster situation arise in our area while school is in session, the Weston Public Schools District, in partnership with the Weston Police Department, has made preparations to respond effectively to such situations.

WPS has a detailed emergency operations plan, which has been formulated to respond to all hazards. It is reviewed systematically with the Weston Police Department and Weston EMS/Fire and submitted to the State of Connecticut on a yearly basis.  There are emergency procedures for threats both outside and inside the school (secure school and lockdown procedures), emergency weather related procedures (shelter in place), and emergency evacuation procedures as well as reunification plans. A reunification plan is when students are relocated within campus, or if necessary, to another location and then released from these locations to their parents/guardians.

WPS does not share the details of the district emergency operations plan with the public in order to protect the safety of our students and staff.  Your cooperation during an emergency is very important, and I ask you to review the following protocols:

  • Do not come to the school or telephone the school. Do not call 911 for information regarding incidents at school. District and school telephone lines may be needed for emergency communication.
  • Information will be relayed via a SwiftK12 email, text messages, website notices, and social media platforms. If there is a power outage, please make sure your mobile phone is charged as you will receive updated information to your phone. If students are to be kept at school, you will be notified. In addition, during power outages the district will post signs on all municipal buildings with updates on school information.
  • Impress upon your children the need for them to follow the directions of any school personnel in times of an emergency.
  • In the event of a serious emergency, students will be kept at their schools until their parent/guardian or an identified, responsible adult who has been identified as such by parents/guardians in PowerSchool as an emergency contact picks them up. It is important that the adult bring a photo ID to the school.
  • During an extreme emergency, students may be relocated within campus or, if necessary, to a location in town. The reunification location will be communicated via a SwiftK12 email and text message. Students will be released from these locations to their parents/guardians or an identified responsible adult. It is important that the adult bring a photo ID to the reunification location.   Please be patient and understanding during the student release process as it is stressful. It is important that you instruct your child to remain at school until you or a designee arrives.
  • When the dangerous incident has subsided, an all-clear signal will be communicated via Swift K12.

If there is a disaster during school hours, WPS students will be cared for by staff at their schools, and parents will be notified. If there is an emergency situation after school, the district administration will work collaboratively with the Weston Police Department to ensure that our campus is safe and secure for all students and staff to return. We will notify parents via Swift K12 if necessary.

I encourage you to discuss these matters as a family. It is important to plan for these emergencies. This school year the district will focus on practicing our school reunification plans in collaboration with the Weston Police Department and will notify you prior to these drills. Thank you for your support.

Lisa Barbiero
Superintendent of Schools