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Radon Testing

Posted Date: 02/12/2025

February 12, 2025

Dear Families,

The administration of the Weston Public Schools would like to notify you that radon testing will be
conducted in all schools between February 24 – 27, 2025. According to Connecticut General
Statute Sec. 10-220(d)(2), all public schools must inspect and evaluate the indoor air quality in
school buildings every three years. This required inspection and re-evaluation of indoor air quality
includes evaluation of radon gas. Radon is a naturally occurring gas that seeps into buildings from
the surrounding soil.

The purpose of the re-evaluation of indoor air quality is to determine if air quality has changed in
the past three years.

Pennoni will conduct the three-year radon re-evaluation. To re-evaluate buildings for radon in air,
a limited number of locations are selected. Small test devices containing charcoal will be placed in
ten percent of the occupiable rooms that are in contact with the ground. Radon test devices are
safe and do not cause any adverse health effects. These devices will be left in place for two to three
school days.

The school administration will keep radon test reports on file and inform you of test results and
interpretations when all testing has been completed. If elevated levels of radon are found, steps
will be taken to reduce radon levels below the United States Environmental Protection Agency
action level of 4.0 pCi/L.

If you have any concerns regarding radon testing, please feel free to contact your school’s radon
testing professional or the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health Radon Program at
(860) 509-7300.



Phil Cross
Director of Finance and Operations